It will contain just a single line as follows: Take the workspace ID, CDQ3TA1YD in our example, and enter it as the string for the new key above in your configuration profile. Next open this file in your favorite text editor. To obtain the value needed follow the directions from the default sign-in file article to download the Signin.slacktoken file for your workspace. The new key, “SlackDefaultSignInWorkspace” is in Slack’s “” preference domain and requires a string. Thankfully a Slack developer responded to my enhancement request in the MacAdmins Slack and as of a couple months ago this can now be configured with a profile. While this might work in one-off situations it isn’t ideal for automation.

Unfortunately it has to be in the User’s Downloads folder to work.

Having them type out a potentially lengthy workspace address isn’t great, so Slack has provided the ability to use a default sign-in file to direct them to the right place. One first-day task in many workplaces is getting that new employee setup in Slack. Simplifying first day setup for can go a long way toward helping a new hire feel confident in their new role.

One of the ways MacAdmins try to help onboard new colleagues is by automating the setup of devices and services.